Registered charity number 263125

To make a booking or enquire about hiring, contact Laurie Johnson 07561 335901 or email

Our hire costs are £19 per hour for casual hirers with a minimum 3 hour hire.
The rate for regular hirers is £12 per hour.
We very much need more residents to support our children’s playground by joining the 100 Club. Funds from the 100 Club support maintenance and repairs to the equipment. If you would like to join, please complete and return this form, or contact Thank you.
In an exciting development we have been awarded £5,000  by the ASDA Foundation to make improvements to the safety surfacing under items of equipment in the children’s playground.  Also, the additional improvements already planned for this summer, will result in a playground of which the local community can be proud.

Entrance with disabled access ramp
Entrance with disabled access ramp

Village Hall laid out for a party
Hall interior laid out for a party

Main kitchen 1
Main kitchen 1

Main kitchen 2
Main kitchen 2

Bar/small kitchen
Bar/small kitchen

Village Hall Timetable Aug 2024

There is a vacancy in the village hall for a regular booking on Tuesdays during the hours of 11:30 am to 6 pm. Please contact the Booking Secretary for further details on 07561 335901 or